Wellness Articles
Body (9)
Food (5)
Mind (3)
Body, Food
On the other hand, Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) basic philosophy is to treat the person as a whole by diagnosing both symptoms and a person’s overall body condition. It does this by understanding a person’s body based on the 5 elements theory. These elements are namely Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. This theory has been used in TCM diagnosis as early as ancient China’s “Warring States Period (476-221 BC). Each element represents a particular body organ, emotion, and meridian.
Body, Mind
With the improvement in healthcare and living conditions, our life expectancies are increasing and today 125 million people are ages 80 years or older. With an increase in lifespans, comes aging. Aging is a normal part of life and one we can’t escape from. Find out how we can maintain a healthy body as we age!
Body, Mind
Every night, most people enter a unique state of consciousness we call sleep. After a good night’s sleep, we wake up feeling refreshed physically and mentally, and perform better throughout the day
Recent Articles
healthy living (2)
Aging gracefully (1)
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diet for good health (1)
health and wellness (1)
healthy and balanced diet (1)
holistic living (1)
traditional chinese medicine meridian clock (1)